Maximize your LinkedIn post potential by applying these tactics

Algorithms, definitely a word which makes you look like an intellectual. It’s time to inspect LinkedIn’s and see what it means for our content.

Algorithms are formulas which can influence a result if there are differences in the points of interaction in problem-solving. Let’s take an example.

To prepare a portion of sweet potato fries, the following steps are needed: Peel, Cut, Fry, Season and add sauce. Imagine if all these steps were taken at random. Your fries would be a complete mess and probably wouldn’t even look like them. Algoshitm.

No alt text provided for this image

LinkedIn recently went through some updates which will have a high impact on your content.

  1.  Your content will be classified in either: spam, low-quality or clear
  2.  Your content will only be seen by some of your closest connections before it could kickstart its exponential readership journey
  3.  Your content will be scored whereas a ‘like’ counts as 1 point, a comment as 2 and a share as 3. In this way, your content will either make it or break it.

Let’s say that this Algoshitm is prevalent in your own network; you’re posting meaningful content but are lacking engagement or your post has not been marked as relevant, thus ending up being spam or low-quality and your connections were not even aware of it. Bummer!

Recent research has shown the top 5 reasons for content engagement. Over 9000 LinkedIn members have been surveyed.

People are most likely to engage when ( Type/rate)

  1. It is educational and/or informative – 62%
  2. It is relevant to the individual – 61%
  3. To stay on top the latest trends and developments – 48%
  4. It helps in strengthening my skill set – 38%

Out of the 9000 people surveyed, 44 percent has reported remembering the last part of content because it was inspiring and straight to the point.

Out of the 9000 people surveyed, 44 percent has reported remembering the last part of content because it was inspiring and straight to the point.

Now that you know what moves our community, time for some practical tips for your posts:

  1. High-quality images are a plus. Increases readership by 11(!) times. Do you like my blue orange? Want to know where to find these amazing, free images? Send me a message on Linkedin. You can find it in the services section.
  2. Be original and add value. Are you knowledgeable in a professional area? Are you aware of the latest trends? Do you know how to do things correctly? Are you a productivity monster? Would you like to share something inspiring? If you’ve answered yes to one of these questions, chances are high that you can add value to your network. Lots of options, just no rants, please.
  3. Invite for discussion and be informative: this will lead to high engagement. You can think of any topic actually, even LinkedIn itself could be a good topic!
  4. Be consistent and make it personal, so that you will be viewed as an authority or leader. Linkedin, after all, is here for you to excel your personal brand. Also, sweet potato fries are healthy and blue oranges are my favorites 😉
  5. Know your audience. Tailor the content to their needs.

Be consistent and make it personal, so that you will be viewed as an authority or leader. Linkedin, after all, is here for you to excel your personal brand. Also, sweet potato fries are healthy and blue oranges are my favorites

  1. Optionally: Tag your colleagues. Tagging individuals will give you a higher engagement rating. Make sure that your colleagues share an interest in the post. Active colleagues obviously have a better reach than non-active ones. Be sure to call out that you’ll be posting and let your company help you with your reach. Also be wary that your post does not appear spammy. Take caution with this.
  2. If you’d like to be ahead of the curve: make a video. LinkedIn has the ambition to become THE Video platform for professionals. If you’ll be the first mover, the potential is insane.
  3. Following up on the previous note, it is indeed true that video has become a dominant content proposition over time. How many videos have you watched today? I’ll confess, I watched about ten, and was very impressed by THIS ONE.

Seems like you’re buckled up to get more from your LinkedIn network. Do you want to get even more insights into how to use Linkedin in the best possible way? Check out : by the one and only Andy Foote!

Which piece of content do you recall? Probably not that boring update, right?

Good luck and do not hesitate to ask any questions,


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